Clothes Matter

I recently changed my belief system around clothes. For all of my life, I believed that caring about clothes meant valuing material possessions. However, the more I learn about everything it takes to release our favorite selves into the world, I realize that clothes do matter. A lot. The reason they hold so much power […]

I See You

I see you, the real you. When I look at you, I see your greatness. I see your potential. You are already worthy and have value in my eyes without needing to justify anything to me. If you need someone to believe in you, I do. If you feel like there is all this potential […]

Follow Your Thoughts

Hey friends, I have a very simple thought I want to leave with you for this week: Pay attention to your thoughts. Start paying attention to where your mind is drifting regularly. Many of you have goals, plans or intentions for your life. You have some area you want to improve, whether it’s your family, […]

Do you know the one thing?

Do you know the #1 difference between goals that are met and those that are unmet? I spent so many years of my life being taught about “SMART” goals, and all the right ways to hit goals. Yet, year after year I was missing the same ones over and over again. Like many things in […]

Why I Threw Away My Scale

Earlier this year, I threw my scale away. If you are someone who struggles with your weight, I cannot recommend this decision highly enough. Here’s my story about why. As I was writing down my goals for this year, once again, at the top of the list was to weigh 150 pounds. This was the […]

Let’s Get Together

Hello Friends, I have been thinking about you guys for MONTHS asking myself the same question, “How can I make their lives easier while also helping them achieve their goals and create the life they want to be living?” The answer is….let’s get together. I have created a 3-hour workshop that will bring together all […]

Let’s Talk About Sleep

All these years later, the most common sense thing we have all heard still manages to blow my mind.  Last night I fell asleep putting the kids down and my body woke up 9.5 hours later.  I had a whole list of things to do last night. I woke up with none of them done. […]