Hope for the Mothers

Introducing Eve Rodsky’s FairPlay System (If you’re not a mom, forward this to one)   Dear Moms, I see all that you do. The mental and invisible load of what you carry. The endless to-do lists, decisions, and problem solving.  I know your mind never rests. Between taking care of yourself, the household needs, the child(ren), […]

On Bugs & Confidence with Chelle Hartzer

When you think differently about yourself, you get different results. Meet Chelle Hartzer, one of the coolest clients I have had the privilege of coaching. She is an entomologist, meaning an expert on all things bugs. During the pandemic, Chelle was laid off from one of the largest pest control companies in America. She then […]

Body & Business

Your body is the most important asset in your business. Attention entrepreneurs…write this thought down somewhere you can see it frequently throughout the day: My body is the most important asset in my business. It’s really easy to get caught up in taking care of others, getting the tasks done, keeping the clients satisfied, prioritizing […]

Is it ADHD, anxiety, or nervous system dysregulation?

What if we are having the wrong conversations? There is a question that began plaguing me several months ago:  Is it ADHD, anxiety, or nervous system dysregulation?  As I have openly shared, my daughter and I were diagnosed three years ago with anxiety and ADHD, respectively, and since then I have been diving deep into […]

10 Seconds of Courage

“When you avoid conflict to keep the peace, you start a war within yourself.” ​ -Cheryl Richardson Check in with your body. Do you feel grounded, centered, and calm? Or, like most people, do you feel a tension in your chest, stomach, shoulders, neck, back, or somewhere else? Most of us are walking around carrying […]

Your Favorite Week

When a client comes to me in overwhelm or needing help with their work-life balance, the very first step I take with them is to design a Favorite Week. It’s essentially a budget of your time. A financial budget is spending your money on paper before you make it. A Favorite Week is spending your […]

My Experience with EMDR Therapy

Normally my blog is filled with content about the tools and skills I teach and coach on, but today, I want to use this platform to open up some of my personal, private journey. In an effort to de-stigmatize conversations around mental health and normalize conversations around therapy, I want to share my personal experience […]

How to Manage Your Stress

Over 50% of my audience is in the Tampa Bay area, which means, many are dealing with the impending storm today. If you are not affected by the storm, chances are also high that you could be experiencing some stress in your own life. Whether it’s related to work, relationships or another area, many of us are […]