My Experience with EMDR Therapy

Normally my blog is filled with content about the tools and skills I teach and coach on, but today, I want to use this platform to open up some of my personal, private journey. In an effort to de-stigmatize conversations around mental health and normalize conversations around therapy, I want to share my personal experience […]

Follow Your Thoughts

Hey friends, I have a very simple thought I want to leave with you for this week: Pay attention to your thoughts. Start paying attention to where your mind is drifting regularly. Many of you have goals, plans or intentions for your life. You have some area you want to improve, whether it’s your family, […]

The Power of our Emotions

Our thoughts play a mighty powerful role in our lives. Some of these thoughts we choose to think. Some of these thoughts we do not even realize are optional. They were conditioned into us by society, culture, or words spoken to us in childhood. If we are not intentional about observing the thoughts we are […]

Our Family’s Mental Health Journey

It’s never an easy task to open up a public conversation around your mental health, but it’s even harder when it’s your kid. Today, I am going to open up some doors and windows to my family’s private journey for a very intentional reason.  The protagonist in this story is my daughter. I wish she […]

Keeping the House Clean and Alleviating Mental Load

I have found the simplest solution to keeping my house cleaner, alleviating mental load and stress from my plate, and getting out the door easier. As I shared last week, recently our family had a lot of changes that led to overwhelm, decision fatigue and a heavier mental load for me to carry. I knew […]

How to Release Your Worries

Many of us are plagued with worrying. Even if we don’t recognize it as a worry, we find our thoughts often drift to the same concerns time and time again when we are driving down the road or sitting alone in the quiet.  Oftentimes, without the tools to manage those thoughts, people will manage by […]