Clothes Matter

I recently changed my belief system around clothes. For all of my life, I believed that caring about clothes meant valuing material possessions. However, the more I learn about everything it takes to release our favorite selves into the world, I realize that clothes do matter. A lot. The reason they hold so much power […]

Are you too much?

Have you ever been told you are too much of something?  I’ve been told this my entire life.  You are too loud. Too talkative. Too bossy. Too bold. Too smart. Too honest. Too intimidating. Too committed. Too energetic. Too passionate. Too serious. Too busy.  I was a lot of too many things.  I don’t recall […]

The phrase that won’t leave my mind

I heard this phrase the other day that I cannot get out of my mind. Your favorite self. It’s just three words, but the inferences of the phrase say so much more. Phrases like “your best self” and “your potential” and “step into your greatness” have always left me feeling off. I have used them […]

Dear World…I Give Up

Dear World, I give up. I give up trying to please you. You are absolutely impossible. You are full of contradictions and hypocrisies. I refuse to let you get under my skin anymore. I refuse to be yelled at anymore for following my convictions. I refuse to be belittled because I made a choice different […]

15 Self-Care Practices that are Essential for Working Moms

The personal spoke on the wheel of life is so important, yet is one of the most neglected for working moms. It’s so easy to lose ourselves in the needs of those around us. We give our best to our careers, make sure our children are fed, clothed, staying alive and then try to be […]