Why I Threw Away My Scale

Earlier this year, I threw my scale away. If you are someone who struggles with your weight, I cannot recommend this decision highly enough. Here’s my story about why. As I was writing down my goals for this year, once again, at the top of the list was to weigh 150 pounds. This was the […]

Let’s Talk About Sleep

All these years later, the most common sense thing we have all heard still manages to blow my mind.  Last night I fell asleep putting the kids down and my body woke up 9.5 hours later.  I had a whole list of things to do last night. I woke up with none of them done. […]

Is summer the time to lean in to fitness or relax?

In conversations with friends, I hear the push and pull of the pressure summer puts on our relationships with our bodies. It’s nearly impossible to avoid comparing our bodies to the bodies around us at the pool or beach. You may feel motivated to hit the gym and discover that six-pack underneath those layers. And […]