Day 28- All Spokes: Minimalism

Day: 28 Spoke: All of them Habit: Minimalism Initially, I was going to write about this habit under financial because living below your means is one of the keys to building wealth. However, as I started to reflect on the benefits I’ve seen in my life once I began practicing minimalism, I realize it affected […]

Day 26- Personal Spoke- Retreating

Day: 26  Spoke: Personal  Habit: Retreating  Rewind ten years ago, I was always on the go. I filled my calendar to the brim with commitments and activities. If someone said “can you meet at XYZ time?” and I didn’t already have an appointment on my calendar, I said yes.  Naturally, as anyone who has ever […]

Day 25- Spiritual Spoke: Leaping (A Christmas Story)

Day:25  Spoke: Spiritual  Habit: Leaping (A Christmas Story) I recently heard a different take on the Christmas story, and it spoke so strongly to me I screamed “YES!!!! THIS!!!!” by myself in my car.  We all know the premise of the story, right? Girl finds out she’s pregnant out of wedlock. Doesn’t know if fiancé […]

Day 24- Physical Spoke: No Food Shaming!

Day: 24 Spoke: Physical  Habit: No Food Shaming  Guys, this is a big deal. Just watch…your newsfeed is about to BLOW UP with comments of people feeling so much shame for the food they ate at Christmas.  I know it all too well because I spent YEARS AND YEARS living in the shame and sharing […]

Day 23- Mental Spoke: Mindfulness

Day: 23 Spoke: Mental  Habit: Mindfulness  Creating the habit of mindfulness means to learn to control your thoughts and tell your mind where you want to focus your attention. Most of the time it’s best to focus your attention on the present moment in front of you, but sometimes in my meditation I choose to […]

Day 22- Family Spoke: Dinner Table

D Day: 22 Spoke: Family Habits: Dinner Table Conversation  In our family, we prioritize eating dinner together around the kitchen table. Most weeks five out of seven nights it’s all of 4 of us. At some point during dinner I always ask “What was the best part of your day?” And then I follow it […]

Day 21- Financial Spoke- We’re Debt Free!!!!!!

Day: 21Spoke: Financial WE’RE DEBT FREE!!!!!!!! Today I’m changing it up a little bit. Instead of writing about one habit, I’m going to share our story. This week my husband and I made our final payment on our last credit card to officially become debt free. We set this goal TEN YEARS AGO. It shouldn’t […]