Day 22- Family Spoke: Dinner Table


Apparently we are too busy being present that I can’t find a single photo of us sitting at our table eating dinner. So this image from my phone of a meal I apparently felt should be Instagramed will have to do.

Day: 22

Spoke: Family

Habits: Dinner Table Conversation 

In our family, we prioritize eating dinner together around the kitchen table. Most weeks five out of seven nights it’s all of 4 of us.

At some point during dinner I always ask “What was the best part of your day?” And then I follow it with “What’s something you’re thankful for today?” I heard someone share this habit who has nine children. He said it forces everyone, even on the hardest days, to find something good to focus on. 

It’s easy to just sit down and eat a quick meal, but I find a lot of value in intentional conversation. Through this dialogue we learn what each other cherishes most and little details that may not otherwise come up. 

My husband and I are both grateful to have been raised by families that placed a high value on sitting around the kitchen table every evening together, and we are making sure to pass that same gift along to our children. 

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