Seeing the Cross Differently

For the last two years I haven’t posted on social media on Easter. Intentionally. I went through a season in my Christian walk where I was deeply disturbed by the American tradition of getting dressed in pretty clothes and going to church, and then posting it to social media as a way to honor the […]

Guilt-Free Working Mom

How I returned to full time work when my son was seven weeks old

My son is nine weeks old, and I have completed two weeks back in the office full time. I have not had one moment of guilt. No tears. No pain. No heart ache. We have rocked it. He’s my second child. The only way we accomplished this is with all the lessons I learned from […]

My Home Birth Experience

Answering the F.A.Q.'s

Yes. This is a long blog post. You may want to read all of it, or you may want to jump to the end and skim the F.A.Q.’s. No worries. I hope these words bring you what you’re looking for…education, entertainment, or just satiating your curiosity. It’s all good. Enjoy. I wanted to write this […]

Learning from Jealousy

Redirecting the emotions into action

I’ve always heard jealousy framed as a very negative emotion. Being jealous or envious of something someone else has is taught to us as a sin. We should ignore these emotions and be content. What I have learned over the years, however, is that if leveraged properly, jealousy can be a tool. It’s so very […]

Life in Transition

Moving into a new normal

On March 20 I recommitted myself to my 2017 goals. I started waking up at 4:45am every day to read, exercise, meditate and pray before anyone else woke up. I started looking at the goals every single day and being intentional about achieving them. There were many goals but they mostly fell into the categories […]

30-Day Detox

Why I Love This Program

I am crazy passionate about sharing this 30-day program with others because of the tremendous positive impact it had on my life. The first time I did it I lost 15 pounds in 30 days, increased my energy significantly, got rid of a “brain fog” I didn’t realize I was suffering from, eliminated my digestive […]

Sticking it where it belongs

On reshaping my identity

My daughter has a toy similar to this. My husband and I called it the “toy from hell” from about ages 12mo-24mo because Eleanora would SCREAM and throw tantrums when she couldn’t get the shapes to fit into the hole she wanted them to fit into. She would get so frustrated. She was such a […]

How Being Bullied Changed Me

A 16-year journey

I have cried many tears over the years from this experience. It’s time I talk about it publicly. At the time I was 14 and in the moment, I didn’t realize I was being bullied. In fact, I’m just now realizing it at age 30. For the past 16 years it’s simply been a memory. […]

The Night I Envied the Lesbian

My own coming out of my closet moment

I believe the greatest benefit of our emotions is they are a window into our subconscious. They can be a powerful mirror if you are quiet enough to listen. I was 19 when I first heard “you only judge others for what you judge yourself for” and suddenly the people whom I couldn’t stand to […]