OOOOF! I’ve done it before and now I’m doing it again. I am publishing on the internet something very personal and vulnerable to me because I believe it will help others.
In the past, I published my family’s monthly budget, my full home birth story, and the story behind why my husband and I each have our own bedrooms. These are conversations that people usually keep private for a myriad of reasons. Today feels like another one of those days where it takes courage for me to click publish.
Today, I am publishing my personal goal sheet with you guys. It has 11 sections:
My Why
My Obituary/Eulogy
My Vision
Each of the 7 Spokes on the Wheel of Life
My Quarterly Action Plan
In the 10-week course I teach, we spend a couple weeks laying the foundation of how to set effective goals, why it matters to have a why, evaluating where you are on the wheel of life and creating a vision for what you want to create.
Then, for the next seven weeks we dive deeply into each of the seven spokes.
Lastly, we use the final couple of weeks to wrap up all of that content and write your vision plan to create the life you want. It’s written in such a way that you are significantly more likely to follow through and achieve your goals.
Between now and the end of the year, I am going to write about my experience setting these goals and the path to achieving them by the end of the year.
The last five months of the year can be so incredibly powerful if we choose to harness the opportunity. Any of those January goals that were set and not accomplished, can still be done.
I have a personality that is heavily driven by deadlines, so the end of the year is when I put my blinders on and get to work.
Over the next five months, I am going to explain each section of this vision plan, and will be showing up on Instagram almost every day in my stories to track the progress of each spoke.
I have a pretty clearly defined reason for doing this, and I’ll happily share my motivation with you.
The purpose of this blog and my entire coaching practice is to motivate and inspire people to create the lives they desire. I want you to be your absolute favorite version of yourself. Publishing my goals and publicly tracking them will make it crystal clear and obvious how the path to your success (however you define it) is paved in the small, daily decisions made over an extended period of time. It requires lots of self-love and grace. And it’s messy.
Now, let’s track my beautiful mess for the next 23 weeks.
If you have life changes you would like to create and are curious to see if hiring a coach may be beneficial to you, click here to schedule a complimentary strategy session with me. In this one hour call, I will walk you through an exercise that will give us a clear picture of where you are and where you want to be and then we will discuss the best next steps for you to get there.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.